Supporting you to Overcome a Range of Issues
Whether you’re suffering with depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, a recent life transition, or any kind of trauma-related issue, I am here to support you with personalised counselling in Norwich or online. You might feel like you are alone, unable to get out of your own head, but my practice is a chance for you to speak as freely as you like without fear of judgment. This is your time; you are welcome to take sessions in any direction you like, and I will draw from a range of therapeutic approaches to deliver a form of support that suits you and your specific needs.
To book your first session of counselling in Norwich and online, or if you’d just like to ask me a question, feel free to give me a call or fill out the contact form.
If you struggle with constant low mood, a sense of hopelessness, fatigue, or just feel numb to everything, I understand that leaving that place can feel impossible at times. But I am here to support you in overcoming these feelings in a way that makes sense to you, with us working together to transform these negative thought patterns into a more compassionate way of looking at yourself and the world.
Anxiety comes from stress and trauma that we hold in our body, causing a constant sense of restlessness and overwhelm. You might always catastrophise over small things, or perhaps struggle in social situations. No matter how your anxiety manifests itself, we will get to its root cause and provide the tools you need to keep these feelings under control.
Many people, without even really being aware of it, will believe that they are somehow ‘not good enough’, or that they are failing compared to others. Having this worldview means we live in a negative loop and base our self-worth around external things, like achievements or relationships with others. Our work together will be all about bringing you back in touch with your own intrinsic worth and make you feel empowered again.
I am a specialist in supporting adults to engage with and move past childhood trauma. We all experience some kind of trauma when we’re younger, and if we don’t address it, this internal wound continues to inform how we think, feel, and behave in present-day situations, causing problems like attachment issues and addiction. Using IEMT, I will safely walk you through difficult emotional memories and bring you to a place where they don’t have the same impact on your wellbeing.
Everyone experiences grief in their own way, and there’s no right way to do it. You might feel angry, guilty, depressed, unmotivated, or not feel anything at all. There is no specific timescale for grief, nor is it linear; we can experience difficult emotions at any time, even a while after the fact. My practice gives you a safe, totally confidential space where you are free to process these feelings in your own way.
We all experience a life transition of some kind, and they can be hard to deal with. When important changes happen, we might feel overwhelmed, unsure about what to do, anxious, and need a space to talk it through. This could be any kind of life transition and/or adjustment, such as a break-up, moving house, having children, or starting a new job.
No matter what issue you might be going through, my counselling in Norwich and online is a place to feel accepted and truly listened to at all times, with me supporting you every step of the way. To learn a bit more about me as a counsellor, head over to my About Me page
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about how counselling works, or to arrange an initial assessment appointment. This enables us to discuss the reasons you are thinking of coming to counselling, whether it could be helpful for you and whether I am the right therapist to help.
You can also call me on 07956996366 if you would prefer to leave a message or speak to me first. I am happy to discuss any queries or questions you may have prior to arranging an initial appointment.
All enquires are usually answered within 24 hours, and all contact is strictly confidential and uses secure phone and email services.
©2022 Adriana Kacprzyk
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